Sunday Mornings
Sunday • 9:00 AM
followed by breakfast & short talk
Daily Minyan
Monday-Friday • 8:00 AM
Public Holidays • 9:00 AM
Evening Services Mincha/ Maariv 15 min. before Sunset (not later than 8PM)
Friday Night
Summer months at 7:00PM
Winter months, 5 minutes after candle lighting.
Join us for a wonderful prayer service (50 minutes). Welcoming and friendly services, with songs and explanations. Followed by Sholom Aleichem and Kiddush.
Shabbat Morning
Saturday • 10:00 AM
Kiddush following services
Prayers begin 10:00 if you are advanced. If not, join us at 11:15 AM for the Torah Reading, which includes the Rabbi's short explanations on the weekly Torah portion.
Followed by a lovely Service with lots of singing. Services conclude at 12:45 PM approx.
Shabbat Mincha
Winter months Mincha is after Kiddush (October to April)
Summer time at candle lighting time (April - October)
Winter months 15 minutes after Shabbat (October to April)
Summer months at the conclusion of Shabbat (April to October)